August 9th:
This was the day before my 1st day of school with my new students! The timing couldn't have worked out better. Mario picked me up at 11 from my school and we headed to our 12 o'clock appointment in Irving. The process was the same as all of our other embryo's that we transferred except now they do a sonogram while they implant the embryo so you can see the whole thing on screen! Such a cool experience. As always, after implanted, they lean you back for a half hour and then we were free to go. Mario took me to In and Out Burger for lunch before taking me home to relax before I had to start school the next day.
Day 11 after implantation:
I went in for blood work which showed revealed my beta number was 641! This was a very HIGH number, so high, I asked if there was any way this embryo split and I was pregnant with two?! The nurse did say this was a very high number for a singleton embryo and that they would see me at five weeks to check it out! Two days later I went in for more blood work to make sure my numbers doubled. Sure enough, my number went up to 1740. I am Pregnant!
August 29th:
Went in for my first sonogram, which revealed a healthy little sac and a little fetal pole. After this appointment, I had a few scares the following week, but it turned out to be fluid sacs in my uterus and nothing else. Baby is still healthy.
Week 6-20
Already super sick ;(. Week 6-15 were rough rough rough! I threw up ALL the time, ALL day long. I am so thankful for Mario during this time. He had to cook, clean, take care of the kids, and pretty much run the household by himself because I was in bed by 6:30-7:00 every night. I feel like I lived in bed when I wasn't at school because laying flat and sleeping was the only thing that gave me relief. At week 15, my insurance FINALLY approved this medicine that helped tremendously!
I am so thankful for this pregnancy, as it will more than likely be my last unless Jesus has other plans for us. Annalise and Cadel are really excited. Annalise hugs and kisses the baby all the time and really wants a sister. Cadel will kiss the baby too but I don't think he really understands what is coming!
Oh, and we are NOT finding out the gender :).