Sunday, August 28, 2011


On August 12th, we met with a new doctor. The reason we went to see this doctor was because the friend of mine who is also going through this was telling me that her doctor was almost $4000 cheaper than Kaufmann. So on the 12th Mario and I met Dr. Le. We went back to his office to wait. I walked around and looked at all the precious babies that he had hanging on his walls. It must of been close to 500 pictures of babies conceived with Le. Le came in and gave us a very in-dept lesson of how everything would work with him if we decided to use him. He pretty much told us the same thing as Kaufmann. He knows Kaufmann and Pinto (doctor who we saw last year) pretty well. From the sounds of things, they all refer patients to one another depending on the situations. We left feeling good about him. Mario liked him more than K and I personally like K more than Le. After thinking about it though, the reason I liked K so much was bc of his personality. Le is not from the US and so you could not throw small jokes out there bc he didn't understand them:) But from a knowledge standpoint and success rate, they are pretty equal! Le charges $6000 and Kaufmann 10k. So pretty easy decision. Now none of that is including the medicine but thankfully my school started a flex plan. So the medicine will be paid from that which is pre-taxed from my paycheck every month! Decision Made...Le!

This last weekend I had my first "real" appointment with Le. I had to go in for a base line sono to start this whole process. Once again they got great results from me. My uterus lining was very thin, which is what it should have looked like on that day, my left ovary had 7 eggs and my right ovary had 5 eggs. So just like K had said, Le thinks he will take anywhere from 10-15 from me the day of the egg retrieval. As I was leaving he gave me a box of birthcontrol and asked me to start on them Sunday. We also have to get in to a LabCorp this week for more blood work. They have to do an STD/HIV screening on all patients. Fun Fun. I also scheduled my next appointment for September 6th. I will go in on this day to sit down with a nurse to order all the meds and plan out my calendar of when everything will take place from here on out. I will also learn how to give myself injections at this time..ugh! I got home from the doctor and a couple of hours later Dr. Le called me. He told me that we was putting together my protocol and he changed his mind...he asked me to start on the pill that day. So last night I took the first pill. If you know me, then you know that today I'm in bed feeling like I need to throw up. I don't know what it is with my body but for some reason I do not handle pills well! Hopefully by tomorrow I'm feeling a little better. Usually the first two days are a little rough. So there we have it. The process has begun and both of us are very excited. I promise to do better keeping this updated. I can honestly blame being so busy on school! This year has been great but for some strange reason I feel as though I'm drowning at school...I can not get caught up for any reason! Hopefully this will be the week!

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