Monday, October 3, 2011

Catch up time!

Well lots have gone on in the last week, so here we go!

Last Wednesday, Mario and I headed to Las Calinas for my egg retrieval. Upon arrival, they called me back to change and to wait for mario before we met with the the anesthesiologist and doctor. Well while I was sitting in the white comfy leather recliner, the doctor poked his head in but it wasn't my doctor. He informed me that he would be doing my egg retrieval. Doctor Le didn't tell me about having another doctor, so I got a little worked up! Fortunatly I didn't have time to even process what was going on bc then the anesthesiologist came in, asked me some questions, and then took me back the room shortly after. She gave me a shot of anti-nausea medicine before she started the IV so I wouldn't get sick coming out of it. Once the IV was in, she told me that she was going to give me some relaxing meds but that she would wait to give me the sleeping medicine until the doctor came in that way I could ask any questions. I could literally feel that relaxing medicine go through my veins. It felt like I had had 10 alcoholic beverages in my system and then bam I don't remember anything. I don't remember the doctor coming in, me waking up, or them walking me back to the recovery room! I hate it when I miss out on things! I remember waking up in the room with Mario and the nurse. After 30 minutes of normal vital signs and being somewhat coherent, I was able to go home! Once home, the fun began! Every 5 minutes I was running (with a limp bc I was in pain) to the toiltet. I threw up around 20 times. It was awful. I called my work and took the next day off and then called the doctor to let them know what was going on. They called me in some meds and then I slept the rest of the day/night.

They retrieved 13 eggs from me that day but only 10 fertilized. On Saturday (day 3) we got the call from the embryologist saying that out of the 10 eggs, 10 were in really good shape. 5 of them were rated an 8B meaning they had 8 symetrical cells which is the highest it could be for that day. The other 5 were rated 7B which was also really good. We were told that it was excellent news and that they would see me on Monday October 3rd to implant.

THat brings us to today! At 2:00 today they put two of the best looking embryos in me. They also said that one other one looked really good so they went ahead and froze it. They said they are going to continue to watch the others and then when they are ready they will freeze them. Its looking like 2 of them will for sure make it but maybe not the others meaing we would have 3 frozen altogther. So we will just have to wait and see! After, they inserted them through a catheter into my uterus then tilted my chair back and made me lay still for  30 minutes. I even got wheeled out:) Right now I'm writing this from my couch. Don't worry, I'm on my back! I have tomorrow off work, so I will be taking the next 24 hours easy! I will have my pregnancy test next Wednesday, so very soon we'll know something! It's weird to think about 2 embryos trying to blast through their cell and implant in me as I'm writing. Thank you everyone for all your prayers! I feel very overwhelmed by the responses from this, emails, and text messages from all my family and friends. Whatever happens God is soverign and to Him be the Glory!

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