Sunday, May 18, 2014

38 weeks....6 days to go!

It's funny how some people  look at me and say, "you're having a girl", and then others look at me and say "oh, you're having a boy". People think that by how I'm carrying the baby, they know they gender...hahaha it makes me smile, because it's 50/50. We will soon, very soon, find out! 

What am I scared/nervous about:
One thing, how Annalise is going to handle not being the only child. When I serve in the 1's at church with A, I can't even change another baby's diaper or hold another kid without her screaming at my legs. I mean, obviously I do it, but it's not easy! I know that eventually she will get used to having a brother or sister but I know the first few weeks to a month could be really rough in our house. We're already going through a super "clingy" phase with mommy so I having a feeling that this will be tough. We shall see... :) 

Oh yeah! I don't think you'll find any dust around any of the baseboards in our house. Unfortunately, Wade's hair is always going to be around but it's something I'm used to. Little stinker sheds so bad! Today we had the carpet cleaned and my sweet friend Ashley took some pictures of the three of us,  so I'm feeling  little more ready to have this baby! Things that I would still like to see accomplished by the end of the week:
-pantry cleaned and organized
-still need to buy a new mattress for our guest bedroom (Abuelo and Abuela are coming for a couple of weeks)
-finish what I can in the nursery (some things will just have to wait until I know gender)
-pack a hospital bag
-wash the infant car seat
-spend sweet time with Mario and Annalise
-get through my LAST week of school :) 

I have been going weekly now for a couple of weeks and everything is looking good. I'm dilated to a 1 and about 30% effaced. If I don't make any progress by tomorrow's appointment, then I will more than likely have to go in Friday night instead of Saturday morning. I will know more tomorrow!  

We are so excited about meeting our son/daughter this week! We are also so thankful that God is once again entrusting us with another child. What a blessing! 

How far along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 25 pounds 
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No...yah I made it without stretch marks!!!!! 
Sleep: Prettty uncomfortable...can't wait to sleep on my stomach! Best moment this week:  Finding out that Annalise will be here JUNE 11...MONDAY!
Have you told family and friends: Yes
Miss Anything? being able to just bend over, sleeping on stomach, regular clothes, working out
Movement: ALL the time! She is Ready!
Symptoms: HUNGRY!! 
Food cravings: No
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender prediction: ANNALISE
Labor Signs: No, not dialated but 50% effaced
Belly Button in or out? OUT
Wedding rings on or off? swelling :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY
Looking forward to: meeting this little rascal on Monday!

How far
 along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 16 pounds 
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? I can't tell, I'm definitely bigger this go around and so maybe?
Sleep: Some nights I sleep like a baby and then other nights I suffer from insomnia Best moment this week:  Spending Saturday with M and A in Cedar Hill. 
Have you told family and friends: Yes
Miss Anything? being able to just bend over, sleeping on stomach, regular clothes, working out
Movement: Crazy hard movements, I don't remember Annalise being this strong. Hiccups all the time. This baby loves HOT showers, the belly doesn't stop moving when I'm in water. 
Symptoms: heart burn has come back a little, gas pains have increased, I'm ready! 
Food cravings: No, can't eat very much at this point 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Had to go back on zofran this week bc of nausea 
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender prediction: I still think boy and NOW...get ready....Mario thinks boy. Cadel Evans is winning the giro de Italia (a bike race) and so he thinks it's a sign.....hahahahahahhaa
Labor Signs: Have had some this past week 
Belly Button in or out? OUT
Wedding rings on or off? swelling :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY 
Looking forward to: Holding this sweet baby on Saturday, Annalise becoming a big sister, family coming in, last week of school!!

I'll post pics of my growing belly tomorrow....night night ;) 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Shift- Daddy Post

Before I started putting in my base miles, we knew we were pregnant and so it was the plan all along for me to race until about the beginning of May and then shut it down.  On paper it worked.  The plan made perfect sense and would be easy to implement.  On several occasions that was not the case at all.  I can say with absolute certainty however that I was able to train more than I ever have this past winter in preparation for my half season.  If you are wondering how that was possible, look no further than Christen.  The amount of sacrifice that Christen has shown the last 8 months to allow me to race at the highest level I ever have is mind blowing.  I cannot thank her enough for allowing me to experience some great things this season, including participating in my first Pro/1 NRC (National Race Calendar) event which lined me up with real pros who ride their bikes for a living.  And so now that the racing is over, a shift needs to be made.  Not that I was not helpful or always absent (I was out of town and training a lot however), but it's really time to hunker down and get ready for baby #2.  I am glad I got to race and train, but there is a level of stress that comes with all of that I am also to be rid of for now.  The weather is awesome out and I want to play with Annalise and go on walks with Christen so we can spend some quality time together as a family of three... because our days are numbered!  I have some special things planned for Christen this coming weekend and cannot wait to hang out with her!  Driving home from my last race in Mississippi this past weekend all I could think about was my family.  God has blessed me tremendously and I am becoming ever more excited for the surprise that could be on it's way any day now.