Sunday, July 22, 2012

Delivery Day

June 10th-Sunday-the day before!

Sunday morning Mario and I woke up and went to church to hear such a great message on stewardship. It really spoke to me knowing that we were about to have this little baby and how God  is the creator and owner over this sweet girl and we are to be great stewards.The question that I left with was ? Do I ultimately see everything I have as Gods? One day all stewards will answer....What have I or am I doing with the things God has loaned to me? Such great questions to really think about, especially when you ask that question about another human being. I'm so thankful that God has chosen and has entrusted us with this girl.

After church we stopped and got subway and headed home to just relax, get some last minute things together (aka my suitcase), and to enjoy the last few hours with just the two of us.  We ended up watching Spy Game and hanging out with Abbie and Wade. At 7 pm I took the dogs to Midlothian for a little stay and picked up our friends ipad (they generously let us use it while at the hospital so we could facetime with Mario's parents), and then headed back to pick up daddy! We loaded the car and made our way to Mansfield Medical Center! It was such an exciting drive knowing that the next time we would be in the car, it would be three of us! We swung by Whataburger to pick up some dinner for Mario. I wasn't hungry at the time but I regretted that decision later ;). At 8:00 we arrived at the hospital and checked in. I couldn't believe that it was really happening. They walked us to our room (room 8) and advised me to put on this super cool gown and told me the nurse would be in shortly to ask us some questions and to get the process started!!!! EEEK!

Melissa walked into the room and introduced herself as my night shift nurse and started asking the billion and one questions. While she was doing this another nurse named Kathy came in and started my IV. I hate the amount of tape they put on your arm bc you know that when you go to take it off it's going to HURT!! After the IV and questions, they inserted this little pill inside me. She told me that I had to lay flat for 30 minutes and then I could eat after an hour. I was already starving so Mario saved me one of his chicken fingers. Remind you I had not eaten anything since lunch. She told me to eat as much as I wanted to because after midnight I couldn't have anyting. She also told me to get some sleep because every four hours she would be coming in to insert this pill. I was thinking this whole time that they would do this throughout the night and then start the pitocin first thing in the morning but she said the pitocin wouldn 't start until 1 pm the next day. WHAT? I thought I would have a baby by then but now they're saying the inducing meds wern't coming until later! So I called my family to let them know that they probably wouldn't want to come super early in the morning bc it was going to be a long day! After she left we turned on the TV and Mario ventured out to find a vending machine. When he returned it was about the time that I could eat. I ate the chicken and something else from the vending machine and then laid down to sleep. A couple of hours later I was still up! I called Melissa and asked her for some sleeping meds :) which did the trick quickly! The only thing I really remember after that point was her coming back at 4 am to insert a pill and then at 7:00 am my new nurse introducing herself (Margie). Dr. Morehead also came in sometime and debriefed us and told us that he thought Annalise would be here sometime that night. They brought in some breakfast and when I say breakfast, this is what I'm talking about!

Yes a Popsicle, chicken broth (which I didn't touch), and some jello. Mario went down and got some cafeteria food!

At 7:45 my water broke. Yes this happened on its own! I stood up to use the bathroom and realized I had a trail. What? I didn't even know my water had broken! I thought for sure I would feel it but I did not. I told Mario to call the nurse that my water had broken. She confirmed this! So this meant that we could start the pitocin meds early!!! They came and changed the IV bag and very shortly after the contractions started coming. They felt like really strong cramps but nothing I couldn't handle. I told Mario that I wanted to watch last weeks episode of the Bachelorette to take my mind off the pain.

 Half way through the show the contractions were a lot stronger. So strong that I couldn't concentrate on my show! I turned it off and decided to rest....impossible! I remember a pain management nurse coming in and asked if there was anything she could do. I told her that I really wanted an epidural but that I was only dilated to a one and that I wanted to hold off bc I did not want a c-section and since my water broke I was crunched with time. She asked if I wanted to get up and sit on the birthing ball which I did. This helped for a little bit. While on the birthing ball my granny and papa came in! This helped take my mind off the pain for a little bit. Mario was also a HUGE help. He would push on my lower back during the contractions which helped a lot!

Also during this time, my mom,  momma donna and best friend Tiffany showed up! I got to visit them during the breaks but by this time my contractions were  1.5 minutes apart so our conversations were broken up! I remember talking and then bam they would start up again and I would say "not again"! I probably said this 50 times because every time I would have to lay my head down on the bed and I would concentrate my way through each contraction. Finally my nurse came in and asked how things were going. She obviously knew I was in pain and said that if I wanted to have the epidural she thought it would be okay. So I said SIGN ME UP!

The anesthesiologist came in and we signed the papers and talked through the process. Everyone always says the epidural is pain free but I felt the numbing meds they inserted first. Honestly the whole thing was strange! I told him that I didn't want much meds, I still wanted to be able to move my legs. He did a great job. I could no longer feel the contractions but I could still move my legs (like jello). After this everyone came back in the room. This time my mom, dad, stepmom, and sister had arrived. They said hello and then went back in the waiting room so I could rest. I remember at one point I started feeling the contractions coming back pretty strong so I asked Mario to give my button a push to release more meds. It was NOT working. I called the anesthesiologist and said that we had pushed the button but it wasn't working. He told me that I had to wait a good 15-30 minutes. After 30 minutes they were getting worse!!! He came back in and I said it's not working so he told me to push the button one more time and to push it every 10 minutes so I did. When I pushed it I heard this beep that I didn't hear when Mario pushed it. As you can imagine I was NOT happy, he didn't push it hard enough so that whole time I wasn't getting anything! So now I had to wait another 15 minutes for it to kick in. During this time Tiffany decided to show me pics of her trip to Europe. Look at my face :)

At 5:00 Dr. Morehead came to check on me and told me that I was still only a ONE....I was thinking to myself there is no way I'm a one when I hurt so bad and could feel the contractions with the epidural. He said he'd be back in an hour to check me again and to see if anything had happened. At 6:15 the doctor came back in and I went from a 1 to a 9. He told me that there was this ligament that was in the way keeping them from really being able to check who knows what I had really been dilated at all day ;) He told the nurse to prep the room. It all happened so fast I was in disbelief! The NICU unit came down and the surgical tech came in to assist the dr. if needed so needless to say, we had a FULL room!

The nurse had me do a few practice pushes and when the doc was ready I started pushing. I think it took 5 contractions that I had to push through and she was out! Born at 7:02 pm. Weighing 5 lbs 13 oz, 20 inches long. Here are her first few pictures!

Annalise we love you!

Friday, July 20, 2012

38 Weeks

Well the house is clean and the nursery is finished and we are ready for Annalise to be here! Sunday night I will go in and Monday they will induce me. This last week I really wanted to lay out in the sun to work on my tan before her arrival but all I can seem to do is Clean...the rooms inside out, the baseboards, everyting!

I finally feel huge, this whole time everyone has told me how small I look but I think she finally poked out bc my stomach is out there for sure! As you can see below the broom and dustpan are out. Ohh we also got new carptet in what I would call our "pee room". When we first got Abbie she would go upstairs and pee. Even though we would clean it, it soaked down the the carpet pad and started smelling so finally the smell is gone!

How far along? 38 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 25 pounds 
Maternity clothes? Yes

Stretch marks? No...yah I made it without stretch marks!!!!! 

Sleep: Prettty uncomfortable...can't wait to sleep on my stomach!
Best moment this week:  Finding out that Annalise will be here JUNE 11...MONDAY!
Have you told family and friends: Yes

Miss Anything? being able to just bend over, sleeping on stomach, regular clothes, working out
Movement: ALL the time! She is Ready!
Symptoms: HUNGRY!!
Food cravings: No

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Have you started to show yet: Yes

Gender prediction: ANNALISE
Labor Signs: No, not dialated but 50% effaced

Belly Button in or out? OUT

Wedding rings on or off? swelling :)

Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY
Looking forward to: meeting this little rascal on Monday!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What has daddy learned?

I'm sitting at the dining room table just a-typing away with the baby monitor not far from my reach. It's different for sure, but man is it worth it! Mommy is out having lunch with a friend, so I get the nod to take care of Annalise. I figured while I was doing so that I'd update our blog and give just a few things I've learned in the 4 weeks of being a dad. Now please note, just because I know or have learned some things doesn't mean I in any way know what I'm doing! 1. Night feeding isn't that bad: I've actually gotten quite accustomed to having to get up in the middle of the night and feed the little lady. I have really enjoyed being able to do this because although nothing is said (I'm not really awake at these feedings either), I feel like Annalise and I have bonded some during these times. I will say however that the 1:30-2 AM feeding is pretty darn tough! Once I get past that one I know the sun will be up soon enough and then I function pretty well. 2. No time is out of the question to go to the store to get something: I was the happiest guy in Ellis county the other night at 11:30 because I knew the gas drops I was about to go buy we're going to get Annalise to stop crying and allow mom and I to get some sleep. 3. When tired you'll do some crazy stuff: I have now successfully turned off the baby monitor during a nap and in he middle of the night without my knowledge. Christen and I were convinced the product was defective because surely I wasn't skilled enough to keep doing it and not remember! 4. It just keeps on getting better: I was more than content on day 1 with Annalise, but it seems that every passing day brings me more joy. I think for first time parents it has a lot to do with being more comfortable with what your life is now like as opposed to what it used to be. 5. My admiration for my wife has gone to heaven and back: I thought I knew how special moms were. I mean my mom is one extra special person in my life, but watching Christen with our daughter takes it to a whole new level. I am not ashamed to say that I am more in love with Christen now than ever before. Seeing how she is with Annalise makes her more attractive in my eyes. OK I'll stop there. 6. Annalise is a huge responsibility: In church a few weeks ago we focused on stewardship and what that means. I believe that all that we have has been given to us by God, but taking it further that it still belongs to God. You see everyone can agree that when we die we will take nothing with us. This includes Annalise. While she is under my care I am to point her to Jesus because as one of God's children that is what He would want me to do with her. Therefore, treating her as a "rental" I should treat her better than I treat myself. 7. I know NOTHING: This I have found is the best approach to parenting. When in moments of crisis and I am trying to figure out the most complicated answer to the most complicated problem that is Annalise, the best thing to do is play dumb! The one thing that I've found that I do need to know how to do...get on my knees. Hope y'all have enjoyed reading and were sorry about the delay in postings. I think you'll understand that the Arroyave household is a bit of a mad house rig now.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What?? Annalise will be here next week!!

This is correct...I will be going in either next Sunday or Monday night depending on when hospital has openings. I'll find out for sure today. Last week when I went in she was measuring at 33 weeks when she should have been closer to 37 do he wanted a sonogram this week to make sure my amniotic fluid was okay and to take her measurements. So yesterday Dr. Morehead did the sono on me and sure enough Little miss Annslise was measuring in the 5th percentile. My amniotic fluid was great and not low and her heart is still super strong so she is so small either bc one) she is just a small little baby or two) my placenta may not be giving her everything she needs but either way she is good right now but they want to take her earlier than later just to be safe! We got to see a little glimpse of her sweet squished face...sure enough that left hand was right up next to her face like its been at every sonogram! (makes me wonder if she will be a leftie like her dad??) and by her face I think she is going to look a lot like Mario's sister Bea! Both Mario and I was like "oh my goodness, she looks just like Bea" which she is a female version of Mario. We will see very shortly! Wish I could post pics but once again no computer:) Please be praying for Annalise this last week of her growing inside of me and also for Mario as he has a tough decision coming up if he gets the job at global here in waxahachie. This means he'll have to mAke a decision bt two jobs so pray for that!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

37 weeks

We are officially under 3 weeks to go until her ETA:-). Yes, I'm starting to finally realize that we're about to have a baby! I mean of course I've been pregnant knowing this whole time we are obviously going to be parents, but something about this last week has made it seem more "real"! Mario are I are both out of school and it feels awesome! Let's just say I didn't understand the whole "nesting" that women go through until this last week...I feel like a crazy woman cleaning every closet, dusting all the baseboards, and the list goes on... Mario had two job interviews this past week! As most may know he has been teaching in Maypearl for the last 6 years and is now looking for a change and somewhere a little closer due to our car situation at the time. One job offered him a job on the spot but he's waiting for another school to get back with him. We should know something this week so we will keep you posted! Both districts are within 5 minutes from our casa. I am now seeing the doctor every week which being out of school makes this really easy. Last week when they measured me, Annalise was measuring really small so Monday they want to do a sonogram to see what percent she is in. If she is under the tenth percentile with weight, Morehead will more than likely want to induce me this week. I don't want to type out all the details as to why bc I'm typing from my phone but let's just say I really feel like she is just a little girl who was folded up awkwardly causing the measurements to be off. Mario and I are actually on our way to a birthing class...yes I know I procrastinated a little bit! I missed signing up for one at our hospital so were driving over an hour to attend one in Granbury TX. Do I even have a hospital bag packed or a car seat installed??? Well if you know me at all then you know that my answer is no! This will be on the agenda tomorrow! Stats: I've gained 23 pounds, still no cravings, very uncomfortable when it comes to sleeping, getting very excited to hold this crazy girl ( yes I say crazy bc she never stops! She is constantly moving from side to side). And so curious to see who she is going to look like! After viewing baby pics this week of Mario and I, let's hope she looks like Mario:), Annalise now gets the hiccups all the started around 34 weeks just in the middle of the night but the last few weeks it's any time of the day.

From last week:
How far along? 36 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 23 pounds 
Maternity clothes? Pants
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Prettty uncomfortable
Best moment this week:  Finishing SCHOOL!
Have you told family and friends: Yes

Miss Anything? being able to just bend over
Movement: ALL the time!
Symptoms: HUNGRY!!
Food cravings: No
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Have you started to show yet: Yes

Gender prediction: ANNALISE
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? 1/2 of the way out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both

Looking forward to: Monday's Doctor's appointment to see if I've progressed at all! 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Preggo Pics

                                                    33 Weeks ( i think)...7 to go
                                                    34 Weeks....6 to go
                                                  35Weeks...5 to go!

Diaper Shower from my homegroup!

                                                           Homegroup BOYS
                                                         Homegroup Girls

Baby Shower #1 :)

                              The Three Amigos that Hosted my Shower: Joy, Katy, Jenny

                       My IVF Buddy BECCA :) She has two little girls in her tummy!
                                   FRIENDS :)
                           My PRECEPT girls!

                            MY Home yall!
                                     So sweet! Thanks Sam!

Thank you so much for everyone who came and for those who were so generous to us by helping prepare for Annalise's arrival.

Friday, May 25, 2012

34 weeks and going strong...

As I write this tonight I have a little girl inside of me beating me up! She is getting stronger and stronger everyday which causes me to jump out of my chair a lot! My rib pain decreased a whole lot last week but has starting lurking around again...but so thankful that I had a little break from it! I haven't posted any pictures because leave it to absent minded me I left my camera in the hotel room two weeks ago when we were in Austin! The week after we were there I was searching my whole house for it so I could take pictures at the shower that I just recently was nowhere to be found! I called the hotel on Monday and thankfully they found it and will be shipping it to me! I am so greatful for the cleaning lady who found it because it literally has all the pics of our first baby shower, I would have been so sad to have lost all those! So as soon as its in I can post all my pictures The baby showers were so much fun and we feel so loved by family and friends and how generous everyone has been to us! Everytime I walk into annalises room I realize how blessed we are!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

33 down 7 to Go!

33 Weeks
Every time that I look at my calendar another week has flown by. I can't believe that we only have three weeks of school left and seven weeks until the expected due date! This last week, three of my best friends threw me a baby shower in Waxahachie. I honestly don't know what parents/couples would do without wedding showers or baby showers! I feel so blessed to have so many friends in my life who care enough for Mario and I to just give give give. I can't wait to download all my pics from the shower and share all the amazing things we received.  My school is throwing me a shower Thursday at school and then Thursday night, my homegroup is throwing us a diaper shower! My last shower will be Saturday the 12th in Plano with my family and family friends! This week is going to be so much Fun! I also have my kids at school performing Thursday night (bf homegroup) so I want to go watch them sing!

Last Doctors Appointment: 32 Weeks
So last Monday I went in for my 32 week checkup and everything seemed to look good! Annalise's heart rate was sitting strong at 141 bpm! It was a pretty fast appointment...I had him feel around to see if she had turned yet and he said it's still early to tell but he thought he felt the head down and the butt up:) My next appointment will be in 2 weeks which will put me at the very end of my 35th week! After this I will go every week which is perfect bc I will be out of school and I won't have to worry about conflicts! Yah!

-I can't remember when this all started (I'll have to go back and look at my last blog) but I am having severe pain on my right side around my ribs. It never really goes away but there are times that are worse than others. It's hard to describe in words how it feels. It's not a stretching pain but more like a sharp shooting pain that will last for a good while. There was one day this week that it physically hurt to sit up or to even walk. I can't even hold the megaphone up at school when calling kids to their car during dismissal which I hate! I talked to the doctor about it last time and he thinks because of my build (small and super short torso) that one of two things could be happening: some times your muscles pull away from your ribs (which is what it feels like) or the uterus pressing into abdomen squishing ribs. Either way this has been pretty painful! Ready for this part to be done!
-I still am cramp-free in my legs during the night thanks to the bar of soap!
-Heartburn has seemed to go away!
-Having this belly grow has caused sitting down to be pretty uncomfortable! It helps if I sit up straight bc I'm not squishing little miss thing but then it hurts my ribs :) Gotta love being pregnant! I want to read the book Belly Laughs bc I hear it talks about all these Fun symptoms that girls get to go through!
-This last week my ankles have started swelling a little in the afternoons. Nothing crazy...just a little!

So after the shower one of my neighbors came over to help sort out everything but because I'm not finished setting up the room and I don't really have places where I want everything yet I pretty much have piles all over the nursery. One pile of bath items, one pile of toy, one pile of diapers/wipes, ect. I hope to really start working on the room when school is out! Every time I go into the room the dogs of course follow me in there and sniff EVERYTHING! Abbie even tries to thieve the rubber duckies for the tub! I love catching her in action ;) (btw....pray for my dogs again....yes again....we are in Austin this weekend bc my cousin is getting married and our fence flew down so they are out roaming. We have our dog sitter looking and people around the neighborhood). I can't wait to finish the nursery but it will have to be in three weeks when school is out! I'm going to have to be patient:)

Goal for this week
-Look into birthing classes and sign up
-Deep clean the guest bedroom and bathroom (yes...I've starting the nesting phase...I go crazy!)

How far along?   33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 23 pounds 
Maternity clothes? Pants
Stretch marks? No 
Sleep: Really good this week!
Best moment this week:  My best friend from Austin came into town this last weekend for the baby shower and we had a great time shopping and hanging out...and of course the baby shower!
Have you told family and friends: Yes
Miss Anything? Being able to bend over, breathing without the world hearing me, being spontaneous and running around rough playing with the dogs, being able to do the dishes without my stomach constantly hitting the counter, laying on my stomach...bring on pool weather so I can lay on my tummy in the water:)
Movement: ALL the time! Getting stronger and stronger!
Symptoms: Rib pain, feet starting to swell 
Food cravings: No
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet:  Yes, everyone tells me how small I am though..still measuring behind so maybe that's why? 
Gender prediction: ANNALISE
Labor Signs: No...although last night I had my first round of cramping since early pregnancy. 
Belly Button in or out? Out when when sitting. You can see it though my clothes now. 
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both...I can tell at school and I'm sure my kiddos can too that my patience is pretty much gone! I'm trying!
Looking forward to: SUMMER... this week: showers, kids performance, getting my dogs back, getting my thank you notes out, spending the weekend with my mom who's coming up and my family, my time with Mario and being diligent in our prayer life. 

Ways you can be praying for us:
-Mario is looking for another job (teaching Spanish)
-For a smooth delivery
-That Annalise will grow up loving the Lord and for us as parents teaching her God's word
-Pain relief in my rib cage
-That my dogs would come home so that I don't stress out
-Mario and I have been struggling praying together so we are really trying to be diligent to this
-I have a friend who has been diagnosed with MS who has really been on my heart lately 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Not many left like this!

So I just finished watching the last of the Belgian classics, Liege-Bastogne-Liege.  I know many of you that read this blog do not care about that but I had to mention it.  I was so stoked to watch this race, and the other classics, that my Sunday routine as of late has consisted of running up to Starbucks early to watch the race off of their borrowed WiFi before heading to church.  It's been even more of a struggle when the wake-up comes on the heels of having set up chairs the night before at church for the morning services!  I can't complain because it's been totally my call to get up early on a Sunday and seeing my beautiful wife still laying in bed.  It's almost time to head to church here in a bit and worship with the Stonegate family.  It's always something I look forward to on Sunday's when I haven't been out of town and thankfully I've had many weekends at home lately.  After church we'll be heading to one of my best friend's and teammates house to see his newborn little girl Emma. I must say I've been looking forward to this event for a bit now as well.  With every friend of ours that has a baby my excitement grows for Christen and I to have ours.  I've seen pictures of little Emma and they're awesome, but I want to see the little one in person.  Who knows, I might even volunteer to change a diaper?  On the home front things have been pretty status quo.  I've been on a 3-week block of pretty hard training in preparation for this next weekend's race.  It's been a big goal of mine since the season started and so I hope to make good on what I feel I can achieve in the race.  Christen and I took on a 1-weekFfarkle challenge last week.  We played 1 game of Farkle each night and had a best of 7 series.  I came out hot winning the first 2 games only to lose the next 3.  I then tied the next game to make the series 3-3.  The last game wasn't even close, Christen wiped the floor with me.  I guess I'll be taking her out to dinner soon to the place of her choosing.  It's not such a bad deal after all!  On the spiritual front, I've been camping out quite a bit on the idea of humility versus pride.  The message last week was about this and it really opened my eyes to what pastor Rodney said about pretty much all sins stemming from pride.  Take a minute to think about the sins in your life that you commit on a daily basis and trace them back to their root.  You will see pride there lurking as the catalyst for those sins.  If you don't, it's probably because your pride is not allowing you to see it!  That's what makes pride so dangerous.  In parting, a HUGE shot out to my mom and sister who sent us a package with some awesome clothing items for little Annalise.  Home girl is going to be wearing the freshest threads a little infant can wear, haha.  Man I am really looking forward to dressing Annalise in some little outfits!  Boy, I think daddy is already wrapped around her finger and she isn't even here!  Ok, church time!  Y'all enjoy your Sunday and have a great week!

Friday, April 13, 2012

26-30 Weeks!

I know, I know, it has been Forever since the last time I have blogged! I am now at 30 Weeks! 10 to go. It has been so long, I don't even know where to start...

Easter Weekend
Last week we had 4 days off due to Easter and so I finished painting the room and crib. I love how it turned out so now I just have to figure out what I want to do as far as wall decor goes. I will post pictures when it is complete :) Might be a while! On Sunday we traveled up to Denton after church to see the family and to catch up. We had a good time seeing everyone and of course eating all of the food!

Last Doctors Appointment
My last doctors appointment was at 28 weeks which if you've had kids before you know what that means...the Glucose test! I loved every second of the "Fruit Punch" that I had to drink. You have to drink this special drink in under 5 minutes and then wait 1 hour for them to take your blood. This test determines if you have gestational diabetes. Thankfully I didn't get a call from the doctor, which means I passed! I also got to listen to Annalise's heartbeat which was sitting strong at 161 (must have been the sugar drink). Usually she has a heart rate around 130 so I guess the sugar got to her:) It was Loud and Fast! Dr. Morehead also took some measurements of my stomach which showed Annalise measuring 8 days behind. They are not concerned about it, she's just small! I did mention at that appointment that I feel like my heart rate has been faster than usual which has caused me to feel very "weird" at times. There was one day when I was walking the dogs with my friend and I had to go home bc I just didn't feel right. Dr. told me that during pregnancy your having to get more blood out for the two of you and therefore causes your heart to race some. Well a week later, I got a call back from my bloodwork that I have anemia...sure enough that's why I have been feeling all "crazy"! Anemia is a condition in which the body doesn't have enough healthy red blood cells which provide oxygen to the body tissues. So, now I'm taking Iron pills which have some Fun symptoms (jk)! Other than that everything is great!

Symptoms I'm experiencing right now
The last few weeks, Annalise has decided that she likes to rest (push) her head up into my ribs. Yes, she's still breech. Well it is extremely uncomfortable so I push her right back down. It's a game that we play ALL day! Well, these last few days I feel like my ribs have been bruised (which technically she's not strong enough to do). Throughout the day I will have extremely sharp pains shoot through me around my sternum. I am also not sleeping to well because of this. On Monday I am going to call and just let them know what's going on. Other than my ribs, maybe slight back pain sometimes.

DANIELLE WHITE...YOUR MY SUPER HERO! The leg cramps are Finally gone. I no longer wake up in the middle of the night screaming due to Charlie Horses in my calves. My friend Danielle told me to put a bar of soap under my sheets and that it is known to stop leg cramps. It has been 3 weeks and not a single cramp! It's amazing! Thank advice so far!

Well, this is all I can think of for now! Until next time:)

                                                                   29 Weeks
                                                       Granny and I at Easter
                                                                Sugar Drink:) yummy!
                                                               Annalise at 25 weeks

How far along?   30 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 19 pounds (last doctors appointment)
Maternity clothes? Pants
Stretch marks? No 
Sleep: Good until I squish my ribs and of course the 4x a night broom trip
Best moment this week:  Finishing the walls and seeing family
Have you told family and friends: Yes
Miss Anything? being able to just bend over
Movement: ALL the time!
Symptoms: Ribs hurt
Food cravings: No
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet:  Yes
Gender prediction: ANNALISE
Labor Signs: No 
Belly Button in or out? 1/2 of the way out  
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both
Looking forward to: SUMMER and my baby showers!

Monday, March 26, 2012

The buildup!

Well the excitement is definitely beginning to build around the Arroyave household. Knowing, and being able so see Annalise's room is beginning to drive home a very important point.  Pretty soon it will not longer be just the two of us!  I'm finding it hard to express in words but I cannot wait!  The other day at home group for church I got to hold one of our friends' newborn girl and it was awesome.  She fell asleep in my arms while holding on to my hand.  Then this past weekend I went down to Austin to work some races our team was putting on.  It was great to catch up with the team and meet some new faces.  The best part of the weekend however was listening to 2 new dads talk about their newborns.  I could just sense their joy and it really fired me up! I was thinking to myself, "why do we have 3 more months, why not next week?!"  I know, be careful what you ask for because I'm kind of enjoying my sleep and last days of freedom, but I am ready.  I am really looking forward to the next few weeks where I will be home for the entire weekend.  here are some races I will be doing but they are local and will not have me away from Christen and Annalise at night.  It was becoming extremely difficult to be away from my family week after week.  It will also be nice to get to attend church on a regular basis again.  I hope you enjoyed reading!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

25 Weeks and HER NAME!

I can't believe Spring Break is here! From here, the rest of the school year always flies by. Last weekend we took the dogs to the dog sitter and drove down to Austin for the weekend. Of course the one weekend I choose to come watch Mario race, I get sick. I was miserable to whole time! Monday, we both decided to take off work so I could go to the doctor and so Mario could rest up and take me. He also needed to get the car checked out because we suspected the alternator was going out in our car. Tuesday morning comes along and Mario was running a fever and having all those nasty symptoms of the stomach bug. So once again he was out another day. Nonetheless, an eventful week. 

Best Part: Getting to see how big Annalise is getting...Annalise? you might be asking??

Annalise Arroyave

Folks, we have a name! Well kind of...Mario doesn't want a middle name but I do, so we're still working through those minor details :) But this is a start! People keep asking, "are you going to call here Ann or Anna?" and my answer is No. I don't know why, but I love the full name Annalise but am not a huge fan of Ann or Anna, so if I do end up shortening her name, it will probably be Lise.

Last Monday we went in for another sonogram to see if my placenta moved up and sure enough it Did! She is getting so big. It is crazy to compare the sono pictures from 6 weeks ago and now. She definitely was a little blurrier just because of less room but things I learned: She loves having her left hand by her face! Both times, this is where it was been. Her right hand is always laying so comfortably on her chest. Mario things she is going to be a Lefty like him. We also got a straight on shot of her face. I know it is skeletal, but if you compare it to Mario's baby picture, it's the EXACT same shape. I'll have to post pics so you can see! She might be looking like her Daddy. I can't wait to schedule the 3D/4D sono this week! I know some people want to be surprised when it comes to knowing what they're baby looks like but I don't! I love just seeing her in my womb and just being in amazement of God's little being that He created and how Amazing the whole process is. Plus, I'm the crazy girl who wants to read the ending of the book first just so I know what happens. Can't wait! 

As I'm tying this I realize that my belly is not flat and the computer can no longer just sit there...crazy how you don't even think about small things you can't do anymore! I will also be putting a bar of soap (thank you danielle for the tip) under my sheets tonight in hope of never experiencing charlie horses at night like I've been experiencing! We'll see if it works!

I'll be posting pics soon!

How far along?   25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 14 pounds
Maternity clothes? Pants
Stretch marks? No 
Sleep: Toss and turn a lot but I'm still sleeping really well!
Best moment this week:  Seeing Annalise
Have you told family and friends: Yes
Miss Anything? being able to just bend over...this is a new challenge!
Movement: We have a night owl on our hands:) 
Symptoms: Round ligament pain, Acid reflex, charlie horses that kill my calve muscles.  
Food cravings: No
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet:  Yes
Gender prediction: I asked the tech this week if she was still a girl....YUP
Labor Signs: No 
Belly Button in or out? In but about to pop's sensitive!  
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both
Looking forward to: registering with 2 good friends in Waxahachie and working on the nursery with my husband and best friend this week!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

23 Weeks

Time is starting to fly by! It seems like every time I look at my calendar another week was gone by. Here are some highlights from this last week:
-Got kicked so hard (I'm guessing on my bladder?) that it made my scream AHH outloud. (not sure if this is a highlight)
-Finalized my grades early! (this might be a first)
-Mario got 2nd place at Mineral Wells:)
-got to see my best friend today!
-walked around at pottery barn kids which got me super excited
-dogs did not dig out of the back yard which means we don't have to spend money on an electrical fence

Funny(kinda) story of the week:
-So I was in a jumpy mood and without even thinking I ran from our bathroom to our bed and jumped on it without using my hands...if you've never seen our bed, it's about 3-4 feet off the ground..yes high. Over the last few weeks I guess I've lost some ab muscles...yeah I about didn't make it. It would have been funny to watch my facial expressions when I realized that that was probably not the smartest idea, it kinda hurt! It's crazy how you forget sometimes that your pregnant and that you can't do things that you used to do like jump on a bed without help.

-I did unfortunately miss my first Daniel study this last week due to grading papers and trying to get grades finished. I am love studying Daniel and can't wait to begin Revelation in the fall. I guess Mario (daddy) will be having Father/Daughter dates every Wednesday night come September:) Crazy to think about. However, I (mom) will be having Mommy/Daughter dates every Monday night with my homegirls watching the Bachelor. So excited about Emily being the next Bachelorette!!!! Mario just said that once the baby is here, that show will go out the back door....who does he think he is:) Kind of like people telling me that my dogs will live outside...WHAT? Now, I'm not an idiot, I know that my dogs will not be getting all of the attention anymore and that if they ever did anything crazy (like growl or seem aggressive) that we'd be finding them another home, but geez people, stop telling me these things! They are my dogs and I love them! Okay I'm off that soap box.

Here is the baby bump this week!

How far along?   23 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 12+ pounds
Maternity clothes? Pants
Stretch marks? No (not on stomach)
Sleep: Good
Best moment this week:  Seeing my BFF
Have you told family and friends: Yes
Miss Anything? nope
Movement: Yes...ALL the can even see my stomach move
Food cravings: Banana Pudding, Milk
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope:)
Have you started to show yet:  yes, people our now commenting
Gender prediction: ITS A GIRL!!!!!!!!!No longer calling her IT
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In (I have noticed that it's kind of flat now)
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both

Looking forward to: talking about names and working on the nursery