Sunday, April 22, 2012

Not many left like this!

So I just finished watching the last of the Belgian classics, Liege-Bastogne-Liege.  I know many of you that read this blog do not care about that but I had to mention it.  I was so stoked to watch this race, and the other classics, that my Sunday routine as of late has consisted of running up to Starbucks early to watch the race off of their borrowed WiFi before heading to church.  It's been even more of a struggle when the wake-up comes on the heels of having set up chairs the night before at church for the morning services!  I can't complain because it's been totally my call to get up early on a Sunday and seeing my beautiful wife still laying in bed.  It's almost time to head to church here in a bit and worship with the Stonegate family.  It's always something I look forward to on Sunday's when I haven't been out of town and thankfully I've had many weekends at home lately.  After church we'll be heading to one of my best friend's and teammates house to see his newborn little girl Emma. I must say I've been looking forward to this event for a bit now as well.  With every friend of ours that has a baby my excitement grows for Christen and I to have ours.  I've seen pictures of little Emma and they're awesome, but I want to see the little one in person.  Who knows, I might even volunteer to change a diaper?  On the home front things have been pretty status quo.  I've been on a 3-week block of pretty hard training in preparation for this next weekend's race.  It's been a big goal of mine since the season started and so I hope to make good on what I feel I can achieve in the race.  Christen and I took on a 1-weekFfarkle challenge last week.  We played 1 game of Farkle each night and had a best of 7 series.  I came out hot winning the first 2 games only to lose the next 3.  I then tied the next game to make the series 3-3.  The last game wasn't even close, Christen wiped the floor with me.  I guess I'll be taking her out to dinner soon to the place of her choosing.  It's not such a bad deal after all!  On the spiritual front, I've been camping out quite a bit on the idea of humility versus pride.  The message last week was about this and it really opened my eyes to what pastor Rodney said about pretty much all sins stemming from pride.  Take a minute to think about the sins in your life that you commit on a daily basis and trace them back to their root.  You will see pride there lurking as the catalyst for those sins.  If you don't, it's probably because your pride is not allowing you to see it!  That's what makes pride so dangerous.  In parting, a HUGE shot out to my mom and sister who sent us a package with some awesome clothing items for little Annalise.  Home girl is going to be wearing the freshest threads a little infant can wear, haha.  Man I am really looking forward to dressing Annalise in some little outfits!  Boy, I think daddy is already wrapped around her finger and she isn't even here!  Ok, church time!  Y'all enjoy your Sunday and have a great week!

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