Friday, December 6, 2013

Back again

September 12, we went back again to implant 2 more embryos (meaning we now have 1 more frozen). We sent Annalise off to granny's house for the long weekend so I could really relax this go around and not have to worry about picking her up. Thursday morning I drove up to Denton to drop her off and then headed back down to pick Mario up from school. We then drove to the doctor to implant two of our remaining 3 embryos. This time was honestly different from the first two. The first two times went super quick. This time started out no different, the embryologist came in and showed us a picture of our two embryos and told us Doctor Le would be in shortly. He came in and began practicing  inserting the catheter through my cervix to my uterus. Usually this process takes 30 seconds to a minute. After 15-20 minutes, he still was not successful. Finally after getting it, the embryologist came back in with our two babies and inserted them. They always take the catheter back to the microscope to make sure they didn't get stuck in the "straw" but actually were implanted.

A picture of the two embryos. The one on the right is still in the blastocyst phase which makes it a lower grade.

Once we got the "their in", he tilted my bed back and had us lay there for 30 minutes like they did the first time. Dr. Le during this time began to explain why it took so long this time for him to find the opening. Without drawing a picture, it's really impossible to explain in words but anyways, everything was fine and he told us we had no reason to worry. He also told us that of all the couples that implanted frozen embryos last year with him, only one couple ended up with twins meaning our chances of two were very slim...

Not really sure what Mario was showing me here but this is him right after the embryos were inserted. He is such a sweet husband who has been so tender and caring during this whole process. He prayed over these sweet babies. No matter what the outcome, our prayer was that God's will be done.
Selfie of me and the babies.

On day 10 my hcg levels came back super super high. One thousand, two hundred thirteen. The nurses told me to not be surprised if I was pregnant with twins, that those numbers were in the multiple range. Honestly I was in shock but after experiencing the miscarriage last time, I knew I didn't need to get to excited until I found out if my numbers doubled. Sure enough, my numbers more than doubled.

At 5 weeks, we went in for a sonogram to find out if it was one baby or two babies. The sonogram revealed two little round sacs. I thought Mario was going to pass out! We left the office feeling very scared. Of course you start thinking about finances and having 3 children all under the age of 2 and that's kind of scary. We were so thankful though to be pregnant and we were continuing to trust that God knew what that was going to look like for us.

The sac on the left was a little smaller than the one on the right, but it was hard to get a good measurement bc even though it looks like they were right next to one another, baby b was actually behind baby A making it look smaller.

Unfortunately, that weekend at a woman's conference, I started bleeding (not spotting) and I was very sure that I was having another miscarriage. I had just gone through it a couple of months prior and that's exactly how it started out. Thankfully I was with some amazing friends who prayed with me before I left and was there with me when I was feeling very down. I went home and laid on the couch waiting for the cramps to start. They never came. I continued bleeding but experienced no cramping what so ever! I knew that that was a good sign! That next Monday we went back to the doctor to find out what was going on.

Sure enough the sonogram still showed two sacs that were bigger than the last week. They were both growing. This time though we could actually see a baby in one of the sacs and not only that but we heard the heartbeat. The doctor told us that it was still probably too early to hear anything but God was so good to us to let us hear it! When we went to look at baby B, we could not find anything in the sac. They told us that more that likely we were just pregnant with one and that the next week that sac would be gone completely. It's called the Vanishing Twin Syndrome.

Picture of baby A. Heart rate of 160. (Annalise's at 7 weeks was 156)

At 7 weeks we went back in to find two sacs still nice and round and growing but this time it was confirmed that we were pregnant with one. At this time, I was released to my OBGYN. They assured me that the 2nd sac would more than likely be gone by the next sonogram. Honestly it was bittersweet knowing that we were pregnant with just one. We are so excited about having a 2nd child and we give ALL praise to Jesus! For we know that this child is from Him.

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