Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Is it one.....two....or three......????

This is the question of the day! Some of you may be wondering why it says maybe 3! Well I had a crazy dream that one of the eggs splitand we were having triplets, two boys and a girl. Yes, I woke up sweating! Then, at homegroup I found out that one of my friend had the same dream...that I was having triplets. Anyways, do I think it's three? No, I don't! This mama actually has a strong gut feeling that it's ONE! Mario has a gut feeling that it's TWO! Well we will know here in about an hour. Either way, we will be thrilled whatever the outcome. Knowing that two living embryoes went in me, it would be sad if one didn't make it but Gods plan is bigger than ours and He will give us exactly what we can handle! So, question for you!!!! How many do you think were having? Is it one? Two? Or three? You'll find out soon!

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